So here is my mini update after many weeks away from blogging:
Hubby and I went to Las Vegas at the end of March. We had a ton of fun, although the weather was lousy. (Cold and windy). We gambled and GOLFED! It was our first time officially out in 2007. We had a blast. Our golf league back here in Minneapolis starts tonight. We play in a Couples League with some friends from work. I've also signed up to play in a LPGA event where we get some coaching, training and playing time. So looks like there will be a lot of time out on the links this summer. YEA!
I've been doing this weight loss program thing that is being offered by my health club. It is a 12-week course and we just finished week 9. We workout three days a week on a treadmill using heart rate monitors to help us determine our zones, follow an exchange-based diet and meet with a nutritionist once per week. Our group, the "Early Risers", consists of about eight people (7 women, 1 man). A couple of women attend somewhat sporatically, but the rest of us are there Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 am for our workout.
The program, plus the fact that I've been really limiting my sugar intake and trying to eat whole grains rather than white flour/rice, has helped me lose 18 pounds. YIPPEE!
My weight had been creeping up and I'd been struggling with Weight Watchers. This was a change I really needed. We have three weeks left of the program and then some of the Early Risers will continue to meet to keep the momentum going.
I know it is one thing to lose weight; it is very much another thing to keep it off.
My good friend Dori gave up all sugar at the end of last year. She has lost about 15 or so pounds and is looking great. I am not eating candy every day and I'm trying to really limit the sugar found in every thing else, BUT....
Every three weeks, after we get weighed, I pretty much eat what ever I want to eat for most of the weekend. I eat sugar, which pretty much makes me naueous in about 10 mintues, but I keep on eating it. (Old, old behavior there!)
In any event, I'm happy with the results; I'm happy about how I'm feeling physically; I'm happy my jeans fit me better and I'm running much better too!
I am just wrapping up coaching a Beginning Runners group. I had 7 women participate -- aged from 29 to 64. They were a great bunch of people to work with. Our race is tomorrow -- Get In Gear/ About 4,000 runners will do either a 5K or a 10K event. The weather is supposed to be beautiful and I'm excited to run the event and to cheer my newbies on!
WTG on all that weight GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot imagine getting rid of sugar entirely, whoa.
And on coaching newbies. You are a busy lady, congratulations on all this!
Way to go, Amy! I knew you were up to something! That is absolutely fantastic. You go, girl!
It was so great to see you at GIG today. You look FABULOUS! Congratulations on your weight loss; I admire your resolve to go to the gym at 6 in the morning.
Hopefully we can run together after my half-M training is done at Crosstown. Or at least have coffee. I miss talking with you.
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