Saturday, May 10, 2008

I am a Goody Girl!

I'm being sponsored again this year.

I'm part of Team Stay Put, by Goody. Goody is the company that produces all those really cool hair products. Stay Put is the brand of products designed for active women. The elastics, headbands, claw clips and other products really do work well.

I have very thin, fine hair and the elastics hold like no one's business! I just LOVE them!

There are 225 women across the US and in Canada that are on Team Stay Put. There are about 10 or 12 women across Minnesota and Wisconsin that make up the MN chapter of Team Stay Put.

Our commitment, as part of the team, is to participate in at least six events between now and the end of the year. Their commitment to us is to provide us with a uniform, samples, a website to post info and blogs.

We also get to help by participating in Girls On the Run 5K events. GOTR is a non-profit organization that works with preteen girls helping them to develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles through running.

Team Stay Put has a number of "official" events to work throughout the country, but both events that are near Minneapolis happen on days that I'm already committed.

However, there was a GOTR event today in Eau Claire, Wisconsin that I got to participate in. Another MN team mate, Caro, also worked today's event with me.

It was a wonderful and inspiring day. There were about 120 participants -- mostly girls between the ages of 8 and 12-- many of whom were running their first race.

The course was very pretty, starting in a park on the edge of Eau Claire's downtown area, and winding next to the city's river.

Caro and I were paired up with a runner -- Mercedes, who has been part of GOTR for about a year. Today was her first 5K and she was very excited about the day.

When the race started, Mercedes kicked it immediately in to high gear. (Apparently none of her coaches talked to her about the wisdom of starting slow.... or maybe that is a technique only for people older than 12....)

I ran with the kids for about a mile and then went back to the finish chute to cheer them on as they crossed the line. I got to hand out festive lei's to the finisher -- a big hit with them, let me tell you.

It was very inspirational to see the kids running with all they had, crossing that line with such a look of pride and determination! I was very happy to be able to be part of their day.

The race also provided medals to finishers. I think this look on this finisher's face says it all...

On a slightly scarier note: I realized that within three-month's time, my tri season will be all but over.... I'm vastly unprepared and will have to kick it in to high gear myself if I'm to be successful events.

Looks like it's time for Amy On the Run...


Sunshine said...

Oh I do love medals for kids. Your picture says it all.

Nat said...

I love the picture of the girl. How fun!

Sunshine said...

Have a good weekend!!

Dori said...

How cute! I almost applied to be a Goody Girl, but I procrastinated too long. Good for you for following through.