Welcome to 2015!
The first full week of January begins tomorrow and so does my return to reality.
November and December were chock full of fun, friends, family, food and frivolity. (There was also a lengthy chunk of time fighting a big, bad cold, but who wants to "celebrate" that?).
In November, I had the chance to watch my friend Mark and my coach, Cathy Yndestad, compete in Ironman Arizona. Great fun. It was interesting to see a different Ironman venue and course and to be able to cheer them both on to great finishes. The race is definitely on my list for a possible IM in 2016.
My birthday celebration was pretty quiet. (Very quiet actually. I was in Cincinnati for work on my actual birthday, so Warren and I celebrated with cake after the fact.). He also surprise me (us) and got me (us) a GoPro. We are still trying to figure out the editing features, but I'm sure that it will supply us with countless hours of fun as we capture all adventures. (We also promise in advance NOT to bore all of our friends with countless hours of captured adventure video.....)
While we usually go to California for Thanksgiving to celebrate with my sisters and my brother and his family, this year, we stayed in Minnesota. My older sister came here and my younger sister cooked. Thanksgiving is definitely my favorite holiday -- mostly because it is the one time every year my family gets a chance to be together. It was really wonderful to spend time with my sisters.
Warren is embracing his role as "Grandpa", and I'm learning how to be a Banana.
(Banana? Yes, Banana. I thought long and hard about what this child should call me. Although I've been with Warren since his kids were little, I never assumed the role of their Mom. I've always been "Amy" to them. "Grandma" doesn't work for me (technically, I'm not a blood relation, so not really the grandma.) "Nana" conjures up the image of a grey haired, bespectacled, smock wearing old lady for me. (Those days are coming. They are not here yet.....)
Banana is perfect. It is fun, fruity and irreverent. Everything I aspire to be :)
Warren and I finally got to take our "get away" trip in early December. We went on a cruise to Cozumel, Belize City and Roatan. We were supposed to have taken this trip in December of 2013, but I had just started my job and there was a vacation restriction during the first 90 days of employment. So, we moved the cruise to this year and we could not WAIT to get on that boat.
Mostly, though, we hung out on our balcony, sipping coffee and contemplating the world.
Off the boat, we got a chance to golf in Cozumel and snorkel in Roatan. Perfect fun.
Then, before we knew it, POOF. It was Christmas. We spent the holiday with Warren's family, and then POOOOOF, it
was New Year's. We spent it with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin.
And now, here we are: January 4th, gearing up for the first full work week in about a month.
I'm excited for all that 2015 will bring, both the things I know about and the things yet unseen.
I've got a nice race schedule shaping up, and have started it already by doing the Commitment Day 5K and Commitment Day Indoor Triathlon.
Both were really nice, easy events to help ease back in to training and getting psyched up for all that 2015 has to offer.
I hope your holiday season was joyous and full of fun and wonder.
Here is to health, happiness and adventures in the year to come!
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