Yesterday morning, birthday girls Nat and Mary, Marcia, Gary, me, Brenda, Heather and Jill all ran in one of the Monster events. Nat did the 1/2 marathon; the rest of us did the 10-miler.
The morning was plenty "crisp" (a Minnesota-way to say "cold") and windy, but the events were very fun.
Although none of us had the same sort of fantastic finish as our friend Steve, we were all happy to have finished and happier to go out to eat after the race.
I ran pretty well for where I am with my running. After struggling to "fall in love" with it again, I really am enjoying being out there and am feeling like I'm getting stronger.
I ran from mile 1.5 to 6 with Heather, Brenda and Jill, who were running each mile to the mile marker and then taking a 1 minute walk break. This pushed my pattern of LSD 6/1 a bit, which was good for me.
At mile 6 I dropped back a bit and took a couple extra walk breaks, but still finished in under 2 hours (barely), which was my goal.
After the race, we all went out for a quick breakfast. Hubby, Marcia's hubby Marty and Mary's love, Tom joined us.
I brought some cupcakes for dessert to help celebrate birthdays. (The real reason is that I love cake and will look for any and every excuse to eat it.... -- no really, it is because I love my friends and wanted them to feel special and so I could eat cake.... No, really....)
Re: Ironman stuff:
No swimming for the week. I was under the weather for a few days and didn't make it in to the pool. Nat and I will start going to a Masters swim group in a couple weeks, so that will help keep me get in to a pattern.
I finally set up my bike trainer and spent a whopping full HOUR on it last week. That was much tougher than I thought. Plan is to be on it three times in the coming week.
I am sure there will be a week/day/moment when these words will come back to haunt me, but I sort of wish I was really in training already. I'm getting antzy and lazy. (Anxious to start and feeling like taking a nap, all at the same time.)
That every happen to you?
In all seriousness, lets set up some trainer sessions together and some speed work. I can't make the run this wednesday. Do you have anything on Tuesday? We could aim for speed work then or on Thursday? We'd be home in time for Biggest Loser. I promise! :)
Congrats to your whole group on the Monster races. I was sorry I couldn't be there to race and cheer. I'm thinking you have already started IM training. You have the coach, bought some equipment, hit the trainer... I would say you are off to a great start!
I'm going to do IM Wis 2012 with another lady who I yet to meet but has lost about 100lbs doing triathlons.
I look forward to getting your perspective on the course!
Congrats to all on your race and to you for reaching your goal! The ten mile is a nice race distance. What color was this year's shirt?
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