The weather has finally turned. In typical Minnesota fashion we rocketed from spring to SUMMER. It's been warm and slightly humid since Friday. Today, we're in the 90's. The perfect weather conditions for me to do my first official T2 brick workout.
For all you non-tri-jargon savvy folks, that is a workout where you combine two disciplines. T1 brick is a swim/bike workout; T2 is a bike/run workout. "T", by the by, stands for transition. Transition includes all the activities that get you from one activity to another: pulling off a wet suit, goggles and swim cap; switching any clothes; getting your race number on; helmut; eating or drinking; whatever you do.
Today I rode my bike for 10 miles. As per usual, we slept in late. Hubby and I had a nice date night last night. We had dinner out and saw the 9:15 showing of "The DaVinci Code". It was a perfectly fine summer movie, despite all the goofy hype.
Anyway, we elected to sleep in late which meant I started my workout about 1:00 pm. Smack dab in the middle of our hot, sunny, windy day.
I rode around Lake Harriet and then along Minneahaha Parkway to Cedar Avenue -- five miles out in 25 minutes. Turned around and came back the same way. The second half of the ride was more in the wind than the first and I had to go slightly longer around Harriet, still and all, got back to the house in 26 plus minutes. Not too bad.
I didn't time my transition (which I know I should have). I had to "trick" myself to do the brick. It was hot, I was tired and I kept telling myself -- "just run to the corner" -- "just run to the lake" - "just run to the water pump". Eventually, the heat caught up to me and I walked a lot -- but I got it done. My run took much longer than either leg of my ride: 31:43, for only about 3 miles. Still and all, I'm did it.
I need to get more in. There is a definite transition in muscle use from bike to run. My quads get tight; I feel like I'm moving like a slug. Practice, practice, practice.
Tomorrow, the plan is to do an open water swim workout with a few of my girlfriends. I'm SO looking forward to putting on my wetsuit in 90 degree weather only to swim in a 59 degree lake!
1 comment:
Oh, it was hot! I was gardening all afternoon. The heat should break soon. Good job on the persistance and thanks for explaining the lingo. Do they call it a brick because that's what you feel like you have on your feet when you're done? :-)
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