Finally, finally, finally the temperature got above zero this week!
As a matter of fact, we hit the mid 30's today. This was in incredible welcome relief, as we've had 21 days below zero since the beginning of the year, most of which happened during the very short month of February.
The rotten weather has created havoc on my "get-back-to-a-regular-workout routine" intentions. My workouts have been sporadic to say the least.
The really bad news about that is that Fargo Marathon is only 12 weeks away.
Combine the whole "not really training" thing with my knee and back issues that have been bothering me since December and you can figure that I'm a little scared about having signed up for the event right now.
However, three things have come together to form the Perfect Motivational Storm, if you will:
1) nicer temperatures today encourage me that spring, indeed, is coming and parkas will be shed.
2) I'm going back to Tempe for about 10 days in total over the course of the next two weeks. I have fully committed myself to getting my workouts in and am pledging to use my blog to keep me honest and accountable.
3) I got a chance to see the "Spirit of the Marathon" movie last Thursday.
I went to see it with my very good friend, fellow runner and blogger, Dori. Dori moved to California last fall and, although we keep in touch via blogging and emails, I've really missed seeing her.
She was in town with her SD and it just so happened we were both free to see the movie. I think we both walked away inspired and ready to get back out there and train.
The film covers the training and preparation of six marathoners getting ready to run the 2005 Chicago Marathon. Two were professional athletes -- Deena Kastor, who went on to win the women's competition, and Daniel Njenga, a Kenyan who trains in Japan.
The best part for me, though, was watching the "regular" people training for the event. A couple women were doing their first marathons. One young guy was hoping to qualify for Boston and then there was Jerry -- a 70 year old man training to run his 5th marathon. He ran his first when he was 65! He finally inspired his daughter to run her first with him, so they trained together.
The movie really was well done. Great stories weaved together; wonderful commentary from many of the legends of running: Beardsley, Switzer, Weitz, Galloway, Burfoot, etc.
Dori and I both got very caught up in the movie and we both ended up very teary-eyed.
I also got wistful and sentimental for other reasons. Although Chicago Marathon was a disaster last year due to all the problems with heat, humidity and lack of water or resources, I have a very soft spot for that event. It was my first marathon and I still am in love with that city. (I lived there for three years and had the time of my life).
I also got sentimental about my training partners. We've all been living our various "off-season" lives since last fall, that we have not had a lot of time to see each other over the last few months.
(Perhaps more accurately stated, I've been "off-season". Mary, Marica and Cheryl have all done at least one 1/2 marathon since last fall. Nat joined Marcia and I at Tri-U-Mah a few weeks ago. It's really been me who's been the slug.
In any event, I got nostalgic for my training friends and for a big, organized running group. I also got inspired to get out there again and to really prepare for Fargo.
To help, I also had a massage today from a guy who owns The Fix. His company is offering my tri-club a discount on massages. Larry, the owner, has worked with Pro and Olympic cycling teams and was very knowledgeable about my knee/back issues.
My plan is to work with him a few times to try to workout the "kinks". He also has a Coach on staff that works with triathletes. I may check that out too, so I can be fully ready and prepared for tri season and my first 1/2 Iron.
Inspiration rocks!
You Two at the Marathon movie together: What a great treat!
Fun variety in your life in the next couple of weeks. Good thing.. weather is getting better, but the next 2 weeks look pretty boring and only barely up to normal.
Fargo will be fun!
I am glad you posted! I keep stalking your blog :) I am thinking of joining the Tri Club with you go to the meetings and stuff? I started training on my own today for Fargo was a strength day. My muscles are still screaming! Miss you lots.
You go, girl! Get me info on "The Fix". That sounds like something I'd like to check out. I loved to movie too. For me, it was inspirational as well as exhausting (the pros & cons of marathon running). I have no doubt that you will succeed in the Fargo marathon on May 17th. I'm looking forward to training with you this spring!
We are watching for the Marathon movie to purchase and view at home. Sounds like you two had a wonderful party together.
You're tagged! Fun fun! Check out my blog.
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