Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Name In Lights and "Stuff"

There it is! My name in lights! First place in my category. Yee ha.

First things first:

This "stuff" with Gorby (see post from July 11th) is very wearing. I've talked with the vet at the U; my regular Vet; my sisters, Hubby, friends, etc. All "roads of advice" point to really the only option, which is a crappy one:

Get the cat in for surgery to remove the tumor as soon as possible. Won't cure him, but will (hopefully) stop the chance of a perforated bowel or obstruction or blockage, which may be even more horrible than just having cancer. Then, continue to make decisions as more info is revealed.
I'm trying to get an appointment for this week, as much as I dread it.

Thought I'd post a couple of pictures of him taken today as we sat out in the backyard enjoying the summer. He doesn't look sick does he?

Other photos to post today are some shots from LifeTime:

Jill Goodwin, another Goody Girl from Columbus, participated yesterday at LTF. We both were wearing our Goody uniforms, so we found each other. Hubby took a picture of us:

Here I am rocking out of T1.

Finally, my time on the Podium.... that was kind of fun, I have to admit.

Unlike other years, they didn't have the trophy at the event.
They said they would mail me my award.

Wonder if they could just award me a cancer-free cat?


Michelle said...

Oh, I will be thinking about your kitty. I love my cat, it must be heartbreaking.

Great pictures from the tri! Awesome results. How fun it would be to get up on the podium :) Great job!!

Steve Stenzel said...

Nice job out there! Glad to know there's someone else out there who knocked 10 minutes off their swim time! And SWEET JOB placing first! (I looked for Pharmie or me in the back of your photo with your friend, because I feel like our transition was right back there...)

All the best with your cat. That absolutely stinks.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great job at the tri. Way to go!!!

I'm sorry to hear about Gorby's ailments!

Jumper 2.0 said...

That would be one heck of a reward.

Congrats on the tri and the best of wishes for your cat.


Thoughts go out to you and Gordy!!! May both of you remain strong during this very tough time.

Sunshine said...

OH, I cry for you and your kitty. Wishing you both a successful outcome. One's own cat is precious.
And, oh my! Congratulations ... You Person with name in lights!!!